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Students from the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation Daejeon Branch Visited a Facility for Disabled Children, “Hanguleum” (Meaning ‘One Step’)
A trio of love—concert, play and cleaning—will linger long in their mind
August 5, 2010
The 14th Love Sharing Event on National Holiday: Consolatory Party for Senior Citizens in Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province
“Senior citizens, we will be good sons and daughters who repay you for your favors.”
January 21, 2009
Donation of Coal Briquettes for the Neighbors in Geoyeo-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul
“We deliver the love of a mother!”
December 26, 2008
Consolatory Visit to Beneficiaries including a Child with Leukemia
A miracle by small love
December 12, 2008
The 13th Love Sharing Event on National Holiday: Party for Multicultural Families
"On the Bountiful Korean Harvest Festival, We Share Love With the Global Family"
September 10, 2008
The 12th Love Sharing Event on National Holiday: Consolatory Party for Senior Citizens in Paju
Senior citizens as respectable as the heavens, live peaceful lives!
January 31, 2008
Volunteer Relief Efforts for the Area Damaged by Typhoon “Nary” on Jeju Island
“Let us mend your heart broken by the typhoon with our hands of love.”
September 23, 2007
The 11th Love Sharing Event, “Party for Foreign Workers in Korea to Share a Mother’s Love at Chuseok
“We Feel the Love of Mother in Korea, Our Second Home”
September 16, 2007
Volunteer service to help the farming of an elderly sick woman
“Neighbor’s Happiness Is Our Happiness”
July 8, 2007