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2017 Worldwide Clean WORLD Movement for Climate Change
13,000 people participate in 152 regions around the world
May 22, 2017
Clean World Movement in Tuvalu
Water tanks of 200,000ℓ(1,259bbl) were donated to Funafuti, and environmental awareness was raised through the Clean WORLD Movement.
September 24, 2013
Green Campus Environmental Seminar with Gabonese President
Intl. WeLoveU Foundation and Gabonese government agreed on cooperation against climate change
March 26, 2012
The 5th Clean World Movement in Cambodia: Cleaning a National Hospital and Consoling Child-Patients
Bright and Healthy Future to Child-Patients
September 19, 2010
Tending Mt. Chiaksan Occupied by Exotic Plants
Exotic plant removal and cleanup campaign at Mt. Chiaksan National Park
September 16, 2010