Heat waves, cold waves, heavy rains, droughts . . .
Climate disasters caused by global warming are no longer a mere story in the news,
but threaten our daily lives.
The WeLoveU made a small but meaningful step
in December to respond to climate disasters, in our daily lives.
It was Stairs Day Challenge, which encourages participants
to use stairs instead of elevators or escalators.

Anyone can participate in the Stairs Day Challenge anytime, anywhere, without any cost or special equipment. It helps reduce carbon by saving energy for operating elevators and escalators, and you can burn 0.15 calories when you climb a stair, which helps you maintain your good health. The more people use stairs, the more impact this challenge makes.
Now, we would like to share with you the story of the members
who participated in the challenge and finished the year of 2022 meaningfully.
💪 Both the Body and the Earth Become Healthy 💪

Gye Gyeong-nam, Korea
After visiting the clinic, I was reminded of the Stairs Day Challenge. When I took my first step to climb the stairs, I saw calorie consumption and life extension written on the stairs. I learned that I can burn calories and extend my lifespan just by using stairs. This challenge benefited me so much.
Gye Gyeong-nam, Korea

Hwang Ye-ju, Korea
I often use the stairs, but I didn’t know that this small practice can protect the earth. I feel good to realize that! Stairs Day Challengee is good for my health and the earth as well! I’ll continue to practice it every day.
Hwang Ye-ju, Korea

Pauline Pasquin Barcenal, Philippines
In the past, we were indifferent to environmental issues, thinking, ‘My small action would not make much difference.’ Through the WeLoveU campaign, we realized that when we gather, we can be a hundred or a thousand and make a change for the earth. Since then, we diligently participated in the challenge at work. The WeLoveU Challenge is something small that we can easily practice, but it will make a huge difference for the earth.
Pauline Pasquin Barcenal, Philippines

Teo Chong Hua, Singapore
Using stairs instead of elevators and escalators is good for the environment and for our health. We thank the WeLoveU for raising awareness about the environment.
Teo Chong Hua, Singapore
✊ Challenge for the Good Cause, Regardless of Age! ✊

Park Ga-hyeon, Korea
Anyone can participate in this challenge, regardless of age!
The challenge is a good exercise. It helps me build my muscles, so my legs hurt less now. I feel good and healthy.
Park Ga-hyeon, Korea

Kayla Hardin, U.S.
We were busy during the final exams, but we still wanted to keep up with the challenge to protect the earth.
We used the stairs to go up on the fourth floor at the student union.
Kayla Hardin, U.S.

Yamakawa Hanako, Japan
I rarely walked, being used to using transportations out of convenience. My health was getting worse and it was not good for the environment, either.
I’m grateful to able to participate in the challenge with my son before he gets used to escalators and elevators. It feels great to set a good example to my child and use the stairs together.
Yamakawa Hanako, Japan

Jeon Eun-deok, Korea
Not using the elevators and escalators that I had normally used, I’m enhancing my health and protecting the earth. It is a little tough, but I feel good to participate in the challenge. My little angel participates in the challenge together.
Hayul, please continue to care for the earth!
Jeon Eun-deok, Korea

Go Hye-rim, Korea
I didn’t usually use the stairs. Taking this challenge as an opportunity to exercise, I actively participate in it. On top of that, I feel great to participate in the challenge to save the earth.
My daughter says it is fun to climb stairs with me. Nowadays, she suggests using stairs first.
Go Hye-rim, Korea

Woo Ha-rang, Korea
I count numbers while climbing stairs with my mom. It is so fun and exciting! I can count from one to twenty!
Woo Ha-rang, Korea
⛰ Even Though It Is a High-Rise Building ⛰
─ High-Rise Challenge ─

Lee Soo-jeong, Korea
It is hard to climb stairs to the tenth floor. Since I had done it sometimes in the past, I decided to actively participate in the challenge.
I didn’t know if this small practice would have a good impact on the community, the country, or the earth. Becoming healthier, saving energy, saving the earth . . . I will practice love for the earth all the more.
Lee Soo-jeong, Korea

Emma (nickname), Korea
I climbed the stairs to go up to my office on 11th floor five times in one month. It was quite a challenge for me. There are 230 steps from the 1st to the 11th floor. Since I practiced it five times, I climbed 1,150 steps. One time, I went up and down, and I ran out of my breath.
However, I was proud of saving energy and making myself healthier. I will try more often.
Clean Action to Save the Earth, let’s go!
Emma (nickname), Korea

Shin Hye-kyeong, Korea
I often used stairs to go to my apartment on the twelfth-floor to exercise, but I didn’t think it would help saving energy and protect the earth. From now on, I’ll use stairs more often with my family. Since we can save the earth, we will enjoy using stairs to exercise.
Shin Hye-kyeong, Korea
🤸♂️ No More Excuses 🤸♀️

Kang Ye-jin, Korea
I didn’t use stairs that much by making excuses, “I don’t feel well,” or “It’s on a high floor.” Looking back upon myself, I was selfish.
I’m proud that I’ve made a positive change not only for the earth but also for my health by participating in the challenge. I’ll continue to practice it!
Kang Ye-jin, Korea

Jin hyeon-ah, Korea
My apartment is on the first floor. Parking in the underground parking lot, I often thought,
‘Although I live on the first floor, I still pay for the community electricity to run the elevator,’ ‘I’m wearing dress shoes today,’ ‘I’ve got a lot of stuff to carry,’ or ‘Oh, I can catch the elevator right now.’
Then, I ended up using the elevator.
By participating the Stairs Day Challenge, I’ll use stairs from now on. Let’s reduce our carbon footprints!
Jin hyeon-ah, Korea

Ueda yūki, Japan
When many people used escalators at the same time, I used stairs to avoid the crowd. However, when I saw not many people using the escalator, I subconsciously went toward the escalator.
Today, keeping in mind the challenge, I headed to the stairs first. What’s in your mind is really important.
I will use stairs more often in my daily life to help reducing carbon emissions. Thank you for giving me a great opportunity.
Ueda yūki, Japan
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