Cleaning up the environment is essential to a happy life

2019년 3월 17일, 국제위러브유운동본부 미국 동부지역 회원들이 샬럿의 맥알파인 크리크 공원에서 전 세계 환경정화운동인 클린월드 캠페인에 동참하는 모습

Members from the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation in Eastern U.S. cleaned up McAlpine Creek Park in Charlotte, North Carolina, on March 17. The park is 114 acres [460,000 m2] equipped with a soccer field, fishing spots, bicycle trails, and a variety of other facilities as well; many citizens frequent the park, and as a result, much work is often required to repair and maintain the park.

From early morning, about 30 members rolled up their sleeves to clean the park with a broad smile. Local citizens who visited the park welcomed the cleanup by the WeLoveU Foundation, and expressed their gratitude. The members picked up food packing, plastic bottles, telegraph poles, and other wastes along the park trail; they collected a total of 30 bags of trash.

With the love for their neighbors, the members hoped to regularly hold the Clean WORLD Movement with the local citizens to maintain a clean environment for the happiness of all.

3월 17일 국제위러브유운동본부 미국 동부지역 회원 30여 명이 일찍부터 노스캐롤라이나주 샬럿의 맥알파인 크리크 공원에 모여 식품 포장지, 플라스틱병, 전신주 등 갖가지 폐기물을 모아 가득 채운 쓰레기 봉투 30개.