A miracle by small love
On December 12, afternoon, the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation members visited the children’s wing of the National Cancer Center, where a child who received financial aid through the New Life Love Concert was hospitalized. That day, Jong-hyeon (not real name, 12), who had been staying in an aseptic room, was about to leave the hospital temporarily, having the bone-marrow transplantation operation ahead.
Jong-hyeon’s mother and his sister (7) welcomed the members. To treat leukemia, it is necessary to have bone-marrow transplantation but it is hard to find suitable marrow. Fortunately, it was possible for Jong-hyeon to take his sister’s marrow. Jong-hyeon’s mother, who saw her little daughter sharing love with her brother, felt sorry for her, but on the other hand she was pleased and grateful.
The members presented a leg pillow for Jong-hyeon and a hat and a muffler for her sister, along with chocolate, candies and caramels. Jong-hyeon’s mother was glad for a leg pillow which would support Jong-hyeon’s leg comfortably, and the children were happy with delicious candies. Jong-hyeon, who was gentle, and the little lady, who looked much prettier with her new hat and muffler, shared their candies with the children in the same room. Jong-hyeon’s mother said, “Actually, Jong-hyeon’s illness is a problem for my family to take over, but the foundation gave love and financial aid to us whom they had not been acquainted with. Thank you for that. When my son recovers, I will bring him up to be a person who will do good deeds for others.”
@IMG2@ On December 19, the members went to the Inha University Hospital to meet Lee Hye-jeong (not real name, 35). She was an ordinary housewife and a mother of two children. Last September, all of a sudden she couldn’t keep her balance. When she saw a doctor, she was diagnosed with lupus. Because of complications like thrombocytopenia and thyroid disease, her disease became so serious that she couldn’t move at all. However, from two months ago her condition has improved considerably because she tried her best to recover with a firm will, being encouraged by the concern of the WeLoveU members.
The foundation members visited her, after hearing the good news that she would leave the hospital. She cheerfully said, “While being hospitalized, I’ve known that many people suffer from more serious illness than mine. I’m lucky because lupus is not a fatal disease.” Her husband, who quitted his job to take care of his wife and was working as a daily employment, also had a positive personality. He said, “The concern and help of people around us was a great help. We are still young, so we will live more diligently.”
With the heart of a mother who prays all night for her sick children, the foundation members gave donations though each of them was small, but when they gathered it became a great help to the families who had been frustrated because of high medical expenses. The foundation members, who delivered love with their bright smiles, prayed that the beneficiaries would get well soon and that their families would be healthy and happy.
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