Penco City Councilors in the Biobio Region of Chile,
and officials from the Welfare Department of Concepcion City visited the WeLoveU
Concepcion Chapter to discuss the ways to help the neighbors in Penco,
who were affected by a major fire earlier this year.

In February of this year, consecutive heatwaves and droughts led to wildfires
in central and southern Chile. According to the National Forestry Corporation
of Chile [CONAF], an area equivalent to 8.5 times the size of Seoul was engulfed
in flames, resulting in dozens of fatalities and approximately 7,000 displaced residents.

However, with time passing, the scars left by the wildfires have faded
from people’s memories. While the recovery of daily life is still a long way off,
prices have soared, making the hardships of the victims even greater.
The last lecture was the global citizenship education by YI Bae-Keun, the
WeLoveU prepared grocery sets for the displaced residents who might
feel lonely with the approaching major holiday, Independence Day.

Large boxes were filled with essential groceries such as various types of pasta,
sauces, rice, flour, canned goods, beans, sugar, cooking oil, coffee, tea, and more.
Then, on September 13, amidst the presence of Mayor of Concepción,
Penco City Councilor, President of Penco Neighborhood Council,
WeLoveU delivered grocery boxes to 60 households affected by the disaster, at the Penco Civic Center.

The disaster victims expressed their gratitude with tears welling up in their eyes.
Penco City Councilor and President of Penco Neighborhood Council
each presented a certificate of appreciation to WeLoveU.

Alvaro Ortiz Vera, Mayor of Concepcion
“I am the Mayor of Concepción and also the President of the Association of Municipalities of the Entire BioBío Region. February was truly a tragic month for our Biobío Region. Fierce wildfires caused damage to livestock and farmland in various areas,I ncluding Penco. As the holiday season approaches, I express my gratitude for your support to the wildfire victims. Thanks to WeLoveU, the victims’ concerns about food have been eased off. WeLoveU has given beautiful gifts to the victims during the holiday season.”
Alvaro Ortiz Vera, Mayor of Concepcion

Maria Carolina Inostroza Verdugo, Penco City Councilor
“In Penco, 43 households were completely destroyed by the wildfires. Even the homes that were barely rebuilt have suffered further damage from recent heavy rains. Your support with groceries during this critical time is especially appreciated. I also express gratitude for the work Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah is carrying out throughout the world. We Love You.”
Maria Carolina Inostroza Verdugo, Penco City Councilor

Rumualdo Sáez Carrillo, President of Penco Neighborhood Council
“This is a vast rural area, where many neighbors have lost their livelihoods due to the wildfires. We have been spending days like an unpredictable disaster. At a time when the tragedies in our region were slowly being forgotten, you came at the most crucial moment. During the holiday season when we feared we would go hungry, thanks to you, we were able to spend enjoyable time with our families. We are truly, truly grateful.”
Rumualdo Sáez Carrillo, President of Penco Neighborhood Council
On that day, the WeLoveU members also personally visited the neighbors’ homes
to deliver the gift boxes, wishing for them to swiftly return to normal life.
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