Environmental Protection

Global warming, climate change, and environmental contamination cause sea level rise, greenhouse gas emission, environmental disasters, and so on, putting a peaceful life and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in danger. Through the Clean WORLD Movement, an environmental initiative, the WeLoveU cleans up polluted cities, parks, mountains, rivers, and seas, while conducting environmental protection campaigns, educational programs and seminars, etc.

Clean Air

  • Air purification campaign
  • Air pollution preventing campaign

Clean Land

  • Street cleanup campaign
  • Tree planting campaign

Clean Water

  • Sea, river, and stream cleanup campaign

Fostering Environmental Leaders

  • Training leaders through environmental seminars
  • Training college student volunteers

Spreading the Clean Campaign

  • Spreading the Clean Campaign through global cooperation

Work for WeloveU

  • Countries67
  • Participants254,551

Clean Air

Polluted air damages respiratory organs and even threatens human survival. Through the Clean Air ampaign, we make efforts to preserve forests, clean parks and streets, and purify polluted air.

Clean Land

A beautiful society is born when we clean the environment with our neighbors and live together in harmony.
We hope to make our villages and societies clean and bright through Clean Land activities.

Clean Water

Water shortage causes droughts, famines and conflicts among peoples and nations. It threatens the survival of human beings in many places of the world. Through the Clean Water Campaign, we clean streams, rivers and seas—the source of water around us, install water pumps for people without access to safe drinking water.


Green Planet Earth Painted by Children

WeLoveU Members’ Children Participate in the 2nd
Global Children’s Environmental Art Competition

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Protecting Mongolia’s Greener Future by Planting Trees

400 Caragana Sinica Saplings Planted in Ulaanbaatar International Cultural Park, Mongolia

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