Environmental Protection
A clean environment is a fundamental basis for the well-being of humanity. Global warming, climate change, and environmental contamination cause sea level rise, greenhouse gas emission, environmental disasters, and so on, putting a peaceful life and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in danger. Through the Clean WORLD Movement, an environmental initiative, the WeLoveU cleans up polluted cities, parks, mountains, rivers, and seas, while conducting environmental protection campaigns, educational programs and seminars, etc.
Harmonious Cooperation for the Local Environment
Creating Mom’s Garden at Parks and Farms in the U.S.
Protecting Mongolia’s Greener Future by Planting Trees
400 Caragana Sinica Saplings Planted in Ulaanbaatar International Cultural Park, Mongolia
Worldwide Clean WORLD Movement 2024
Cleanups Across 12 Countries
in Celebration of World Environment Day
Keep Mom’s Garden Clean and Beautiful
Caring for Mom’s Garden at TikTok Selfie Park in Chandragiri, Nepal
Gardening at Kangemi Recreational Park in Kenya
Mom’s Garden: Grass Maintenance and Landscaping in Nairobi
Making Children’s Dream Sites Greener
Planting 100 Trees at a Primary School and in Residential Areas in Queretaro, Mexico
Celebrating Earth Day With the ‘Mom’s Garden Project’
9,962 Trees and Plants Planted Across Five Countries, Including Rep. of Korea and the U.S.
쾌적한 쉼터, 건강한 삶(en)
미국, 짐바브웨, 싱가포르 지역공원 정화
Are the Trees Growing Well?
Monitoring of the ‘Mom’s Garden’ in the Republic of Korea, Kenya, and Nepal
Care for the Community and Save the Earth
Celebrating Earth Day: The Clean WORLD Movement in Korea, U.S., and Peru
A Clean Environment Improves the Quality of Life for Our Neighbors
Clean WORLD Movement in Hong Kong, the U.S., Peru, and Australia to Welcome the New Year
End the Year Meaningfully by Volunteering
Clean WORLD Movement and Blood Drive in Seven Countries
Make the Park Beautiful by Planting Trees
Planting 200 Saplings in Pezzutti Park Located in Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Ensure Citizen’s Health and Safety by Protecting Environment
Mom’s Garden Project in New Haven, CT, U.S.
WeLoveU Participates in the Interregional Preparatory Meeting for All SIDS in Cabo Verde
Following the Meeting with the President and First Lady of Cabo Verde, WeLoveU Proceeds with Initiatives in Education Support and the Clean World Movement
Clean WORLD Movement 2023
Cleanups in 20 Countries to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Beautiful Nature Must Be Cared for Continuously
Weeding Work for Mom’s Garden on Mt. Bumbaeuisan, Bucheon
Appointment Ceremony of WeLoveU University Student Environmental Leaders 2023
Green Future of Earth Created by Young Adults
Beautiful Natural Environment to Enjoy Together
2,500 Tree Seedlings Planted in Ambury Regional Park, Auckland, New Zealand
Making the World Greener
Planting 14,369 Trees in Forests and Parks Around the World
Mom’s Garden & Clean WORLD Movement in Hualmay, Lima, Peru
Cleaning Hualmay Avenue and Planting Tree Seedlings
Climbing the Stairs Brings a Pleasant Change
‘Stairs Day Challenge’ for the Earth
Preserving World Heritage Sites Through Urban Environment Improvement Project
Cleanup and Removing Graffiti in the Main Streets of Valparaiso, Chile
Bring Out the Unused Tumblers and Mugs
Bring Your Own Cup Challenge [BYOC]:
Using Re-Usable Cups Instead of Disposable Ones