Supporting children to have healthy dreams
Urban Independence Elementary School in Oaxaca, Mexico, is the only school in the region of Pensacola, Santa Rosa, and it accommodates about 500 students from grade 1 to 6. The school was equipped with a bathroom, but it had been broken down and dirty. So it was impossible to make use of them. As a result, students who want to use a bathroom have to go home, taking time out of their school schedule.
부식된 변기와 이물질에 의해 막힌 배수관, 페인트가 벗겨진 천장 등 지저분한 상태로 방치된 우르바나 인데펜덴시아 초등학교 화장실 모습.
Because of the unhygienic bathrooms, the students not only had impediments in their learning sessions, but also became vulnerable to infectious diseases. The Intl. WeLoveU came to know this situation and decided to help the school after having a consultation with the school principal and officials from the education office.
The bathroom reconstruction began in earnest on Aug. 7. Professional workers replaced the corroded toilets with new ones, unblocked the drain, and connected it with a new drain. They also repaired the bathroom sinks where water did not run. The reconstruction lasted twelve days. The members neatly painted the shabby ceiling and the iron gates, attached liquid soap dispensers to bathroom sinks, and cleaned up the bathroom as the last step of the reconstruction work.
세면대에 새 배관을 연결하는 모습(왼쪽). 공사 후 세면대(오른쪽).
소변기를 고치기 위해 막힌 배관을 뚫고 있는 모습(왼쪽). 허름한 천장을 산뜻하게 페인트칠 하는 모습(오른쪽).
보수 후 청결한 모습으로 탈바꿈한 소변기(왼쪽). 페인트칠을 마친 화장실 내부(오른쪽).
The completion ceremony was held at Urban Independence Elementary School on Sept. 9. It was attended by 450 people, including the school students and teachers, officials from the education office, school parents, and the Intl. WeLoveU members. Seeing the freshly cleaned bathroom, all were overjoyed that the old pending problem, which was a threat to the health of the children, got resolved. On the day, the school delivered a plaque of appreciation to the Intl. WeLoveU and attached an information board that expresses gratitude to the WeLoveU for the support.
9월 9일, 우르바나 인데펜덴시아 초등학교 화장실 준공식
Joal Tenorio Mendoza the school principal said, “The bathroom was in a poor sanitary condition, and I was deeply worried that the children were vulnerable to various infectious diseases.” I’m truly thankful to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah for helping us without expecting anything in return.”
The Intl. WeLoveU members shouted, “We love you,” hoping that the children would have healthy and strong dreams. The students reciprocated with the same slogan in gratitude. The Intl. WeLoveU will continue to provide support to make sure that there will be no child whose learning is impeded due to inadequate learning environment.

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