Peace cannot be realized by ending of wars and conflicts. A true peace can only be achieved by eliminating all forms of crimes, conflicts and discrimination, and by respecting, protecting and ensuring the rights of all. WeLoveU aims to establish a sustainable peace by supporting people develop social consciousness and participate in various activities beyond the borders of nationality, race, language and cultural background, etc. WeLoveU holds the New Life Family Walkathon and the New Life Concert every year to support people in different countries who are challenged by diseases, disasters and poverty, etc., with the participation of foreign diplomats and people from all walks of life, thus promoting unity between families and neighbors and development of people’s awareness on welfare services and education for children, adolescents and young adults.
21st New Life Concert
The Song of Hope Resounded After the Pandemic
25th New Life Family Walkathon
Helping Victims of the Oil Spill in Oriental Mindoro, the Philippines
어머니 사랑으로 꿈꾸는 미래의 리더들(en)
미국 시카고 ‘어머니 리더십’ 세미나 개최
The 24th New Life Family Walkathon
Creating a Bright Future by Walking Together
The 20th New Life Concert
Shake off worries and inspire hopes for twenty years—the key is the love of a mother
The WeLoveU Foundation Presented to the U.S. House of Representatives
Donald Payne Jr., a U.S. House Representative, complimented the disaster relief efforts in Mozambique carried out by the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation, during a speech at the House of Representatives plenary session
The 23rd New Life Family Walkathon in the U.S.
The Journey of Hope to Take Care of Our Planet and Our Neighbors
The 22nd New Life Family Walkathon in Peru
Walkathon held on the other side of the world for children with disability or heart disease
The 21st New Life Family Walkathon, Philippines
for making a bright future and protecting the earth
The 20th New Life Family Walkathon
Proclamation of ‘Save the World’ Vision—the first step towards saving the earth with love
Hosting a Family Health and Wellness Expo in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.
For a healthy lifestyle and healthy communities
The 19th New Life Concert
A happy walk together to deliver the love of a mother to the global family
A University Student from the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation Presented at the UN Human Rights Event
Presented a video about human rights at the ‘International Day for Tolerance'
New Life Family Walkathon in the East Coast, U.S.
New Life Family Walkathon: A Walk For Bright Minds
The 19th New Life Family Walkathon
Helping climate refugees and underprivileged families worldwide - Global family becomes one through Mother’s love
The 18th New Life Concert
Melodies of Love, Cheering for Happy Lives of 7 Billion People
The 18th New Life Family Walkathon
Helping climate refugees and underprivileged families worldwide - Global family becomes one through Mother’s love
The 17th New Life Concert
Let’s Share Happiness Through Mother’s Love
The 17th New Life Family Walkathon
A message of hope was sent to 7 billion people including Ecuadorian earthquake victims, climate refugees worldwide, Korean households marginalized from welfare service
The 16th New Life Concert
One mind to support the neighbors! Songs of hope!
The 16th New Life Family Walkathon
“Families get together to share happiness with other families”