for making a bright future and protecting the earth

2019년 5월 26일, 국제위러브유 필리핀 지부는 전 세계 릴레이 걷기대회 첫 주자로 나서 세이브더월드 비전선포식을 가졌다.

On May 6, the Save the World Movement, humanitarian vision activities of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation, was proclaimed at the 20th New Life Family Walkathon held in Korea. In order to attract interests and participation from the world citizens and help people in need, WeLoveU decided to relay walkathon throughout the world.

The first country that was handed the baton of the walkathon was the Philippines, which held the 21st walkathon on May 26 on Diliman Campus of University of Philippines, Quezon City. It was attended by 3,000 people, including the President of Quezon City Council, city council members, volunteer organizations, and CEOs, most of whom were from Metro Manila. The fund raised through the walkathon will be used for tree-planting, natural disaster victim relief, and educational aid.

2019년 국제위러브유는 전 세계 릴레이 걷기대회를 개최해 대한민국에서 5월 6일 열렸고 5월 26일 필리핀에서 열렸고, 지구촌 가족을 돕기 위한 성금이 나무 심기, 이재민 구호, 교육 지원에 쓰일 예정이다.
2019년 5월 26일, (재)국제위러브유가 필리핀에서 제21회 새생명 사랑 가족걷기대회를 개최해 청년 학생들이 중창과 율동을 준비해 참가자들의 흥을 돋구는 모습.

At 9 a.m., WeLoveU members in blue T-shirts gathered at Sunken Garden on the campus. The walkathon began with the performance by the Philippine National Police marching band. Quartets and dances by students and young adults excited the participants. Cynthia Villar, a Senator, in her opening address, said, “We are one family. Our collective efforts can truly help our brothers and sisters from various parts of the world.” Choi Jeong-man, Quezon City Branch Manager of WeLoveU, emphasized the importance of volunteer services conducted with the heart of a mother.

Then, the walkathon began in earnest. The members, with bright smiles, walked around the campus which was full of green leaves. Fathers put their children on their shoulders, and children walked, firmly holding their parents’ hands. Slogans for protecting neighbors and the earth were easily seen on pickets.

‘I am because of you’
‘When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves’

Families that completed 2.2 km (1.36 mile)-long walking course, viewed panels introducing Korean cultures and WeLoveU’s activities, and also enjoyed additional events such as having celebratory photos taken at a photo zone.

Ilac Angelo Diaz, the founder of Liter of Light which is a non-profit organization, shared his impressions and said, “Our biggest problem is trying to rely on other people. But in actuality, it’s not one person who can make a big change, but many people working together; they are the members of the WeLoveU.”

Mark Bryan Taglinao, a university student member of the WeLoveU, said, “Our local community is littered with trash as people habitually throw away things anywhere. Whenever I saw dirty streets, I was thinking to myself what I could do. But, today, through this walkathon, I became convinced that I could contribute to cleaning up my surrounding areas by improving people’s awareness of the environment. I’m so proud that the walkathon is changing people’s mind for the better. I will actively participate in it all the more.”

The walkathon relay, which began in the Philippines, is planned to be held in the continent of South America in June. The world is paying attention to the WeLoveU which embraces the world environment with the heart of a mother who takes care of her family.

가족 단위 회원들이 주로 참여하는 위러브유는 2019년, 전세계 릴레이 걷기대회를 개최해 세계 각 대륙에서 걷기대회가 열렸고, Save the World(세이브더월드) 비전을 선포하는 비전선포식을 가짐.