Quality Education
Education is an important process in making a bright and promising future. With the aim to offer an inclusive, equitable and quality education to children, adolescents and young adults who are leaders of the future global community, WeLoveU offers diverse aid programs such as scholarships, construction and improvement of school facilities, provision of school equipments and supplies, etc. In addition, we carry out various educational programs to help them foster good character and values, and fulfill their role as a member of society by actively engaging in communication with others including their families, etc.
WeLoveU Participates in the Interregional Preparatory Meeting for All SIDS in Cabo Verde
Following the Meeting with the President and First Lady of Cabo Verde, WeLoveU Proceeds with Initiatives in Education Support and the Clean World Movement
WeLoveU School Special Lecture on Character for Teenagers 2023
Honorary Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah Emphasizes, “Let Go of Selfishness and Be Selfless,” Along with Environmental and Global Citizenship Education
Working Together for a Safe and Healthy Life
Hong Kong’s Crime Prevention and Anti-Drug Campaign
Enhancing Learning Efficiency Through Audiovisual Media
Donation of 10 TVs to National Type
Primary School (Tamil) Seaport in Malaysia
Supporting Water Supply Facilities at a Primary School in Uganda
Installation of a Water Tank and Rainwater Drainage Pipes and Gutters
at Police Children School in Ntinda, Kampala
We’re Gifting Hope Through School Bags
Providing School Bags for a Public Elementary School in Solapur, Maharashtra, India
깨끗한 물, 안전한 물(en)
르완다 키갈리, 제2키미론코 학교 ‘정수시설’ 지원
“위러브유가 여러분의 꿈을 응원합니다”(en)
캄보디아 프레이벵주 페아레앙 지역 프레이프노브 초등학교 학용품 기증
여름방학은 독서와 함께(en)
미국 매사추세츠주 우스터 소재 버넌힐 초등학교 학생들 도서 지원
“It Is a Great Joy to Have Water at School.”
Providing Water Tanks and Water Purification Facilities
to Three Schools in El Salvador
어머니 사랑으로 꿈꾸는 미래의 리더들(en)
미국 시카고 ‘어머니 리더십’ 세미나 개최
A Day When Everyone Is Happy and Joyful
Donation of Uniforms to Paranaque San Isidro National High School in the Philippines
Sharing and Volunteerism Help Overcome Hardships
Donation of School Bags and School Supplies to a Public School in Ecuador
Creating a Clean and Pleasant Academic Environment
Donation of Supplies and Environmental Improvement for Damas Secondary School in Libreville, Gabon
Donation of School Supplies to Samdach Chea Sim Primary School in Battambang, Cambodia
Donation of School Supplies to Samdach Chea Sim Primary School in Battambang, Cambodia
Newly Renovated Library for Active Learning of Students
Renovating Library for Paranoa Education Center 2 in Brazil
Gifts to Children Going to School Looking Like a World in a Fairy Tale
Donation of School Bags and School Supplies
to Wawa Elementary School in Navotas City, the Philippines
Start a New School Year with a Gift of School Supplies
Donation of School Bags and Educational Supplies to Nine Schools in the U.S.
Delivering Hope by Running Down the Winding Mountain Path
Donating Educational Materials to Shree Chitre Pokhari Secondary School, Nepal
Wishing Children to Grow Up With Big Dreams and Hopes
Donation of Educational Materials to the Puebla State
Comprehensive Children’s Rehabilitation Center in Mexico
Painting the Wall of the School for the New Semester in Bangkok, Thailand
- Educational environment improvement project for Matthayom Banbangkapi Secondary School -
Making Children’s Safe and Pleasant ‘Dream Ground’
Improving the educational environment
of an elementary school in Tarlac, Philippines
Draw a Picture: Draw a Dream
The WeLoveU children around the world participate in the Kids Chosun Ilbo Global Art Competition 2021
Donating Bicycles to Disabled People and Child Protection Association in Vietnam
Attending the Mid-Autumn Festival in Thanh Pho Thai Nguyen and donating 50 bicycles to disabled and socially vulnerable children