World Environment Day, June 5 Global Recycling Day, March 18
Global Campaign by Intl. WeLoveU Foundation & WomanDongA
Recently, prolonged lockdown at home and untact consumption caused by the novel coronavirus have been increasing delivery services and online shopping. Accordingly, the amount of recyclable waste is rising. In the long term, waste crisis and environmental pollution will reach out to all people as a great disaster beyond COVID-19.
“Please join the wise recycling to save the earth!”
The waste disposal process takes time and effort from start to finish.
Recyclables discharged from households and businesses are separated again at recycling sorting centers, and contaminated recyclables cannot be recycled and must be incinerated.

OECD 국가 평균
생활폐기물 재활용 비율
1950년부터 65년간
재활용된 세계 플라스틱 비율

재활용되지 않은
대다수 쓰레기는
매립 및 소각되어
환경오염 유발

재활용할 경우
매립∙소각 대비
온실가스 감축율

생활폐기물 썩는 데
걸리는 시간
최대500년 이상
*출처: OECD & Science Advances & 대한상공회의소 지속가능경영원
World Environment Day, June 5 Global Recycling Day, March 18
May 21 to June 15, 2020
For the establishment of a desirable recycling culture and recycling of resources,
the WeLoveU Foundation and WomanDongA carry out a global campaign called #recyclingchallenge.
“Please express your willingness to save the earth and the environment through #recyclingchallenge!”

#분리배출챌린지참여 방법, Step1
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#분리배출챌린지참여 방법, Step2
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*담당자 메일
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