In El Salvador, schools outside cities often have poor conditions.
They sometimes have difficulties in managing drinking water and sanitation
due to the lack of water supply facilities.
The same was true for the three schools on the outskirts of San Salvador and Santa Ana
that WeLoveU visited. The government provides a limited supply of water once a week,
but because there were no water purification facilities or water tanks,
even that water cannot be utilized effectively. It is said that one of the schools
had to suspend classes several times due to lack of water.
In consultation with the El Salvador Ministry of Education, WeLoveU provided
water tanks and water purification facilities to each school for the children.
Republica de Honduras School in San Salvador
Providing a Water Tank and a Water Purification Facility (May 11)
“I would like to express my gratitude to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation for providing the water tank and water purification facility. This is a very important and necessary facility for our school. The students had many difficulties at school due to the lack of water. On behalf of the students, teachers, and parents, I once again thank the Chairwoman and the members of WeLoveU.”
José Tránsito García Gómez, Principal of Republica de Honduras School

5 De Noviembr School in San Salvador
Providing a Water Tank and a Water Purification Facility (May 11.)
“On behalf of the school, I would like to thank the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation. With the help of the WeLoveU members, we were able to install the water tank and water purification facility in our school. It is a great joy to always have water at school. I believe that blessings will come upon you who help many people.”
Blanca Roxana Chinchilla Milán, Principal of 5 De Noviembr School

Dr. Humberto Quintero School in Santa Ana
Providing a Water Purification Facility (May 31)
“At our school, water was often cut off for various reasons. Whenever that happened, I had to stop classes. It was because we can’t use the bathroom or wash our hands. Now, we don’t have to close our school because of water outrages. On behalf of the students and their parents, we would like to thank you for providing a water purifying facility for drinking water at school. All the teachers and students are happy to have water, which is essential. Thank you again.”
Silvia Domitila Méndez de Cortez, Principal of Dr. Humberto Quintero School

During the month of May, water tanks and water purification facilities were provided
to three schools in El Salvador, allowing approximately 1,300 students
to lessen their concerns about drinking water and sanitation.
WeLoveU will continue to provide necessary educational support
so that those who will open a hopeful future can focus on their studies.
Ensuring Health and Happiness With Proper Handwashing
Follow-Up Support for Hygiene Facilities and Education
for Two Primary Schools in Cambodia
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Happy Lunar New Year Holidays Together With Global Family 2025
Scholarship to International Students from Eight Countries & Essential Goods to 1,600 Underprivileged and Multicultural Families Across Korea
January 23, 2025
Supporting Our Neighbors’ New Challenges
Donation of Household Goods to Oxnard Adult School, CA, U.S.
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Walking Together, Sharing Love
Walkathon for ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’ With PDK Nusajaya
December 15, 2024