Quality Education

Education is an important process in making a bright and promising future. With the aim to offer an inclusive, equitable and quality education to children, adolescents and young adults who are leaders of the future global community, WeLoveU offers diverse aid programs such as scholarships, construction and improvement of school facilities, provision of school equipments and supplies, etc. In addition, we carry out various educational programs to help them foster good character and values, and fulfill their role as a member of society by actively engaging in communication with others including their families, etc.

Happy Lunar New Year Holidays Together With Global Family 2025

Scholarship to International Students from Eight Countries & Essential Goods to 1,600 Underprivileged and Multicultural Families Across Korea

Opening Waterways, Nurturing Hope

Follow-Up Support for Water Tank & Purification System at Republica de Honduras School, El Salvador

배움의 등불을 밝히다(en)

토고 국립대학교 신입생 72명 장학금 지원

“아이들이 독서를 사랑하게 될 거예요”(en)

미국 뉴욕주 로체스터 2개 시립학교에 아동 도서 지원

For a Healthy Tomorrow for Children in Haiti

Providing Educational and Hygiene Supplies to 300 Vulnerable and At-Risk Children in Port-au-Prince

Giving Comfort and Hope Through Book Donation

Donating 350 Books to Duke Children’s Hospital in the U.S.

Shaping a Brighter Tomorrow With WeLoveU

Backpacks and School Supplies Donated to Schools in Six U.S. Regions

‘Thank You for Offering the Children Such a Valuable Experience’

Donation of Backpacks and School Supplies to Children
Supported by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare

Enliven Classes With Audio-Visual Support

Providing Educational TVs to Six National Schools in Penang, Malaysia

A Joyful Ceremony for Delivering Educational Equipment

Donation of Eight Educational TVs to Sebandi National School in Rundu, Malaysia

Supporting the Construction of a Playground for Children

Playground Construction Donation for a Primary School in Itahari, Nepal

Promoting Mental Well-Being in the Calming Room

Establishment of an Emotional Stability Classroom at University High School in New Jersey, U.S.

Educational Support, a Precious Gift for Children

Donation of Fans and Bookshelves to Cinco De Junio School in Manta, Ecuador

A Brighter and More Hopeful Future for Children

Donation of Computer for Au Cap Primary School on Mahe Island, Seychelles

Improving Academic Environment by Donating Chair-Desk Combo Units

Donation of 200 Chair-Desk Combo Units
to Las Piñas National High School in the Philippines

Gifts of School Supplies That Bring Joy to All

Support School Supplies for Preah Mlou Primary School, in Pursat, Cambodia

Making a Beautiful World in Harmony

Cultural Activity With Disabled People in Hong Kong

Educational Support That Adds Joy to Learning

Donation of Audiovisual Devices to the Rafael Uribe Uribe Educational Institution at the Primero de Mayo in Pereira, Colombia

Mother’s Love Reaches a Rural School in Bolivia

Educational Support for the Juan José Torrez Gonzales
School of Humanities and Technology in La Paz

Embracing Reading: Understanding the World

American Members Donate Books to Two Elementary Schools
in Celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month

Illuminating Children’s Futures

Book Donation to the Santo Domingo Municipal Library in Ecuador

Prepare for an Exciting New Semester With WeLoveU

Donation of backpacks and school supplies to 12 schools across the United States

Creating a Healthy Tomorrow for Children

Book Donation for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in Saint Petersburg, FL, U.S.